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The Triple Test
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16 January 2019
Liquid biopsies – the future of breast cancer detection and treatment?
Researchers are constantly trying to find quicker, more accurate and easier ways to detect breast cancer at its earliest stage. The liquid biopsy could have the potential to improve breast cancer detection as well as making sure patients are given the right treatments.
15 December 2018
How to spend your Kiwi New Year
If you’ve been through breast cancer, planning how you’re going to spend New Year might be at the bottom of your priority list. We’ve put together a list of ideas to minimise stress this year!
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
December 2018
World expert to advise on Kiwi ABC guidelines, cards make life easier for breast cancer patients, Pink Caravan visits hundreds of Kiwis, plus how to do YOU this festive season.
06 December 2018
How to do YOU this festive season!
With the festive season fast approaching things can seem daunting – especially if you are living with breast cancer, have recently been diagnosed, or are on the road to recovery. So, this year it’s time to sit back, relax, and do YOU.
Press release
29 November 2018
World expert to talk with Kiwi doctors about improving ABC
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is bringing a world expert on advanced breast cancer (ABC) to New Zealand. Dr Fatima Cardoso will talk with Kiwi doctors how national standards of ABC care could extend the lives of Kiwi women, and will also speak at the Cancer Care at the Crossroads Conference sponsored by the Ministry of Health.
Press release
19 November 2018
Updates in treatments for TNBC
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive form of cancer. It’s harder to treat than other subtypes and often affects younger women. In this blog post, we take a look at the latest research.
10 November 2018
Words of wisdom from lead radiologist Dr Monica Saini
We talk to Dr Monica Saini - lead radiologist at Hutt Valley DHB.
17 October 2018
October is...
October is international breast cancer awareness month. A stark reminder that breast cancer is still the most common cancer in women worldwide...
16 October 2018
Lack of funding “height of cruelty” – Breast Cancer Foundation
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s chief executive Evangelia Henderson describes the lack of funding for drugs that extend the lives of advanced breast cancer patients as heartless and cruel. “Why do people have to set up a Givealittle page, or worse, sell their house, to access these drugs?” says Mrs Henderson. Her comments come on the day two petitions are presented on the steps of Parliament, demanding funding for palbociclib (Ibrance) and Kadcyla.
Press release
11 October 2018
Aotearoa, please support tomorrow’s Pink Ribbon Appeal
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is asking Kiwis to ‘give hope to the ones you love’ by supporting its Pink Ribbon Appeal tomorrow and Saturday. Collectors will be shaking their pink buckets at more than 1000 collection points, covering New Zealand from top to bottom. Their efforts will fund research into new treatments, support Kiwis going through breast cancer, and life-saving awareness and education programmes.
Press release
04 October 2018
Auckland clinical trials get a much-needed boost
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is providing a boost to breast cancer clinical trials at Auckland City Hospital, funding trainee oncologist Dr Edmond Ang in the new role of BCFNZ Clinical Trials Fellow. Breast Cancer Foundation NZ has committed $160,000 to support the role over two years.
02 October 2018
Wellington will be the pinkest city in New Zealand!
The coolest little capital in the world will be lighting up pink this October. Landmarks and sculptures along the Wellington Waterfront will be turning pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Press release
01 October 2018
Stacey Morrison urges Māori women to sign up for breast screening
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ ambassador Stacey Morrison has just had her first free mammogram with BreastScreen Aotearoa. Now, she’s urging Kiwi women – especially Māori – to enrol for free breast screening this October.
24 September 2018
What do I need to know about the genetic risk of breast cancer?
Inherited risk accounts for around 10% of all diagnosed breast cancers. If you do find that you’re at a higher risk of breast cancer you can take precautionary actions which are likely to prevent breast cancer from developing.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
September 2018
Clinical trial tackles crippling chemo vomiting and nausea, Kiwis with advanced breast cancer dying earlier than in other countries, plus October is breast cancer awareness month.
10 September 2018
Why dragon boating should be your next sport
We chat to Bette Cosgrove about the sport that’s given her a team of feisty, determined women to stay fit and have fun with.
Press release
07 September 2018
Kiwi women die twice as fast; health system turns its back
Kiwis are dying of advanced breast cancer (ABC) twice as fast as people in comparable countries – and it’s not just about the lack of new drugs.
17 August 2018
How does a clinical trial benefit me?
Every licensed drug in the world has been through a clinical trial - from ibuprofen to morphine. But why do drugs need to go through such a stringent testing process and what benefit does a clinical trial have for a breast cancer patient?
27 July 2018
Pink Ribbon Trek Team '18: Great Wall of China
In May, 26 women and one man took on the iconic Great Wall of China, raising over $150,000 for BCFNZ. Blisters, sore bodies and fluctuating emotions were part of the journey. This is their story.
Press release
25 July 2018
New Breast Cancer Projects Announced $720,489 in Funding Released to Support Innovative Research
• Preventing metastasis through vaccine: to prevent recurrence of HER2+ breast cancer • Assessing a Triple Negative biomarker and its inhibition: to improve survival • Developing and testing an Inhibitor: to prevent metastasis in Triple Negative breast cancer • Defining the utility of a protein in a cohort: as an independent prognostic indicator for aggressive disease
Press release
18 July 2018
Clinical trial targets worst side-effects of breast cancer chemo
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ has committed $250,000 to a new clinical trial that will test the ability of a cheap, widely available drug to prevent two of chemotherapy’s most unpleasant side-effects: delayed nausea and vomiting.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
July 2018
Life extending drug for patients who've been missing out, personalised medicine could be the future of breast cancer treatment, Cathy shares her inspirational story, plus Shavaughn Ruakere is our dancing queen.
Press release
04 July 2018
Our Dancing Queen: Shavaughn Ruakere
The 2018 series of Dancing with the Stars NZ saw Shavaughn Ruakere dance for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ as her chosen charity.
03 July 2018
The Future of Breast Cancer Treatment: Personalised Medicine
How amazing would it be if your breast cancer treatment was tailored to you? It’s actually already started - from genetic screening to immunotherapy. The field of personalised medicine is growing and it’s very promising.
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