News & updates • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

News & updates

Our latest news, press releases, blog posts, Pink Ribbon Bulletins & Pink Ribbon Press.

Press release
Your Community Needs You: Be The Difference
11 August 2017

Your Community Needs You: Be The Difference

Our annual Pink Ribbon Street Appeal is fast-approaching, but there are still areas around New Zealand that need Area Coordinators.
Press release
A simpler way to check for the spread of breast cancer
11 August 2017

A simpler way to check for the spread of breast cancer

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is funding a pilot – a joint venture between surgeons at Nelson and Auckland Hospitals – of an easier way to find cancer in the lymph nodes.
“More drugs and equal access for all,” Breast Cancer Foundation tells politicians
10 August 2017

“More drugs and equal access for all,” Breast Cancer Foundation tells politicians

Breast Cancer Foundation chief executive Evangelia Henderson joined with other NZ cancer bosses in Wellington last night to ask our political parties how they plan to improve support and treatments for cancer patients.
Plant power, an innovative gel and a way to protect your hair from chemo
09 August 2017

Plant power, an innovative gel and a way to protect your hair from chemo

Breast cancer research is a dynamic area - from a vaccine for breast cancer to fine-tuned treatments and technologies which can improve your breast cancer experience.
6 things you need to know about fertility after breast cancer
13 July 2017

6 things you need to know about fertility after breast cancer

Last month medical specialists, Dr Sheridan Wilson and Dr Guy Gudex, joined breast cancer survivor, Caroline Eric, on a panel to discuss the impact of breast cancer treatment on fertility in a free webinar run by Breast Cancer Foundation NZ. We've done a round up of the 6 key messages.
Press release
New #Lumpday promotion urges once-weekly awareness
28 June 2017

New #Lumpday promotion urges once-weekly awareness

Kiwis are being encouraged to ‘Make Every Wednesday #Lumpday’ in a new initiative from Breast Cancer Foundation NZ (BCFNZ).
Why communication with your people is key after a life-threatening diagnosis
27 June 2017

Why communication with your people is key after a life-threatening diagnosis

Jess Weller was only 27 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, part-way through her OE in London. She shares with us the importance of communication.
Press release
Women over 70 one step closer to free mammograms
12 June 2017

Women over 70 one step closer to free mammograms

The Health Select Committee’s recommendation that the Government investigate extending New Zealand’s free national breast screening programme to women aged between 70 and 74 brings access to life-saving mammograms one step closer for our older women, says Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, whose petition for change attracted 10,000 signatures last year.
Te Aroha shares her cancer diary (Part 1)
08 June 2017

Te Aroha shares her cancer diary (Part 1)

Te Aroha Isaia, aged 24, was diagnosed with grade three inflammatory HER2+ breast cancer in December 2016. This is part one of her story.
The Great Soy Debate
30 May 2017

The Great Soy Debate

The humble soybean is one of the most controversial foods on the planet. Accused one minute for causing breast growth in boys and men, celebrated as a healthy alternative for those with lactose intolerance, the next. For breast cancer patients, the question is whether soy cures breast cancer, or causes it.
An interview with Amber Arkell: insight into a young woman's breast cancer journey
22 May 2017

An interview with Amber Arkell: insight into a young woman's breast cancer journey

Amber was just 26 years old when her boyfriend felt a lump in her breast. Two months later, she found out that it was breast cancer. We chatted to her about tackling breast cancer as a young woman.
A blood test to detect breast cancer is on the horizon
16 May 2017

A blood test to detect breast cancer is on the horizon

What does oil have to do with cancer? According to Dharmica Mistry, Chief Scientist of biotech start up Breast Cancer Associated Lipids (BCAL) Diagnostics, the answer could be everything.
Press release
Breast awareness at the greatest show on earth
01 May 2017

Breast awareness at the greatest show on earth

BCFNZ is proud to be the official charity of the NZ Flower & Garden Show with this year's spectacle promising more floral flair and horticultural highlights than ever before!.
Jump for Cancer
29 April 2017

Jump for Cancer

A huge thanks to Lisa Tennekoon whose horse jumping event, Jump for Cancer Hagley, raised $5,000 for BCFNZ last month.
Press release
NZ House & Gardens Tour all wrapped up
27 April 2017

NZ House & Gardens Tour all wrapped up

We were delighted to again be involved in the NZ House & Gardens Tour this year.
FDA confirms link between silicone implants and blood cancer
12 April 2017

FDA confirms link between silicone implants and blood cancer

Last month, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed a link between breast implants and a type of blood cancer called lymphoma. Find out what these findings mean for women who have, or are considering getting, synthetic breast implants as part of their post-cancer reconstructive surgery plan.
Mary shares her cancer diary - Part Four: Chemo: day 1, cycle 1
07 April 2017

Mary shares her cancer diary - Part Four: Chemo: day 1, cycle 1

Mary Brookes, 52, was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer in January 2016. She documented her ups and downs to share with her friends, and now she’s sharing titbits from her journal and chemo diary with you.
Press release
Heavens rain on pink parade
06 April 2017

Heavens rain on pink parade

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s Pink Caravan was due to visit Levin, Palmerston North and Wanganui this week but the near biblical rains of Cyclone Debbie have forced Dianne Swann, Pink Caravan Project Coordinator, to call off the visits.
8 meaningful things you can do to help your loved ones in their battle against breast cancer
23 March 2017

8 meaningful things you can do to help your loved ones in their battle against breast cancer

When someone that you know is diagnosed with cancer, it can be really hard to know how to support them. Fortunately, there are lots of small things that you can do to show that you care.
Vaccine to fight stage four breast cancer
22 March 2017

Vaccine to fight stage four breast cancer

Imagine if no one died from breast cancer… if we stopped it in its tracks, so it couldn’t spread and kill.
Press release
Five-year research partnership targets breast cancer vaccine
21 March 2017

Five-year research partnership targets breast cancer vaccine

Imagine if no one died from breast cancer…if we stopped it in its tracks, so it couldn’t spread and kill.
Mediterranean diet could cut your risk of a hard-to-treat type of breast cancer by 40%
07 March 2017

Mediterranean diet could cut your risk of a hard-to-treat type of breast cancer by 40%

Following the Mediterranean diet could cut your risk of a certain hard-to-treat kind of breast cancer by 40%, says a new study from the Netherlands.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
March 2017

March 2017

Vaccine to fight Stage VI breast cancer, Mediterranean diet could cut your risk of hard-to-treat kind of breast cancer by 40%, plus eight meaningful things that you can do to help your loved ones in their battle against breast cancer.
Male breast cancer more common than penis cancer, boating deaths and meningitis; even car thefts come close
04 February 2017

Male breast cancer more common than penis cancer, boating deaths and meningitis; even car thefts come close

Kiwi men might be missing a beat when it comes to health and lifestyle priorities this World Cancer Day (Feb 4), says the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation: male breast cancer is more common in men aged 50-plus than two dreaded diseases, cancer of the penis and meningitis.