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Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
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Breast lumps
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Under 20
Having a mammogram
What about thermography?
Screen 70+
Risk factors
Risk factors we can't change
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Breast cancer in the LGBTIQ+ community
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Inherited risk FAQs
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Genetic counselling & testing
Risk-reducing options
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
Breast cancer facts
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Breast cancer in NZ
Breast anatomy
Types of breast cancer
Receptor status
Breast cancer in young women
Fertility preservation before treatment starts
Early menopause & bone health
Treatment during pregnancy
Breast cancer in men
Tests & diagnosis
The Triple Test
Understanding your pathology report
Breast cancer staging
Gene expression profiling
Treatment options
Breast conserving surgery
Axillary surgery
Breast reconstruction
Going Flat
What type of surgery should you have?
Side effects and complications
Radiation therapy
Hormone therapy
Targeted therapy
Questions to ask
Advanced breast cancer
Signs and symptoms
Tests and diagnosis
Hormone therapy
Targeted (biological) therapy
Bone strengthening therapy
Local treatment
New Zealand's ABC Guidelines
Clinical trials
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Living with advanced breast cancer
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I’ve been diagnosed
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Letting work know
Breast prostheses
Wigs & headwear
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Body image & sexuality
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Te Rēhita Mate Ūtaetae, the Breast Cancer Foundation National Register
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Medical Grant
Community Outreach Grant
2023 Election
Let's get Keytruda funded!
Give Us Our Mammograms
NZ’s progress in tackling breast cancer
Missing women
Raising the free mammogram age
Advanced breast cancer in New Zealand
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The latest research on improving breast cancer treatment and detection.
Press Releases
The latest news from Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.
Blog Posts
Advice, research and webinars for our breast cancer community.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
The latest information on Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s research, news and events - published every two months.
Pink Ribbon Press
Our Spring and Autumn newsletter with the most important information on breast cancer rolled into one publication.
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04 May 2021
Vital patient support provided when it was needed the most
After launching our Christmas Appeal we received an overwhelming response – we’ve raised more than $115,000 to keep our support services running. These vital funds mean we can keep being there for breast cancer patients when they need us most.
04 May 2021
Jackie Klouwens’ lasting legacy – a bequest that means so much
Kim’s favourite memories of her mum Jackie centre around how compassionate and loving she was.
04 May 2021
Save your life in the time it takes to get changed
Radio personality and newest BCFNZ Ambassador, Sarah Gandy, has a simple message for Kiwi women: “Saving your life can be as easy as checking your breasts in the time it takes to get changed.”
04 May 2021
“I just want to make sure I’m here for my greatgrandchildren"
Claudine Thompson had signed up for mammograms as soon as she qualified for them. They had always come back clear, until her last free mammogram in 2018 showed a tiny lump in her left breast.
04 May 2021
A special collection for a good cause
Cordy’s Auctioneers is auctioning more than 400 china toast racks to support Pink Ribbon Breakfast, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ's largest fundraising campaign.
Pink Ribbon Press
Pink Ribbon Press - Autumn 2021
PDF format - 1.7mb
24 March 2021
Your body clock and breast cancer risk
Our body clocks underpin our daily routines, from when we wake to when we sleep. And new research is exploring whether these circadian rhythms could protect us against breast cancer...
18 March 2021
Finding your ‘new normal’
You've finished breast cancer treatment, so what now? Our blog has tips for how to ease the transition from cancer patient to survivorship in this blog.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
March 2021
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ funds new breast service for Auckland women, new research looks into young women's breast cancer, plus our blog on 'going flat' after breast cancer.
03 March 2021
Your guide to ‘going flat’ after breast cancer
A new survey found that many women who choose to go flat after breast cancer surgery after satisfied with their choice. We take a look at what going flat means and why many women prefer it.
Press release
02 March 2021
Pharmac review doesn’t go far enough
The Government has announced it will conduct an independent review into Pharmac. We're disappointed that it doesn't go far enough - without increased funding, NZ will continue to lag behind when it comes to accessing new drugs.
18 February 2021
New advice issued to women about Covid-19 vaccinations and mammograms
Ahead of New Zealand’s roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccine, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is urging Kiwi women not to delay their mammograms, as reports suggest a possible side effect of the vaccine may mimic breast cancer symptoms.
Press release
12 February 2021
Record $1 million investment from BCFNZ for new diagnostic breast service
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ has partnered with Waitematā District Health Board to build a new diagnostic breast service which will radically improve the way patients are assessed and treated.
04 February 2021
Don’t delay cancer checks this World Cancer Day
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is teaming up with health organisations around New Zealand to spread the message: ‘Don’t wait. Contact your doctor. Get checked.’
Press release
03 February 2021
NZ’s five-year survival goal not good enough, says Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
Today’s World Health Organisation announcement that breast cancer is now the most common cancer worldwide is a timely reminder that cancer should be top of the Ministry of Health’s investment priorities.
Press release
27 January 2021
Auckland woman to run 12 half marathons in 2021 for breast cancer
Nadine is planning to run a half marathon every month in 2021 to raise funds for breast cancer and celebrate the resilience and strength of women who have been through breast cancer, like her mum Laural.
Press release
25 January 2021
“It’s an honour to be able to do something to give back”
A woman living with incurable breast cancer is volunteering at the NZ House & Garden Tours as a way to give back for the support she's received.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
January 2021
Breast cancer research gets $700,000 boost, the National Register reaches full coverage in New Zealand, plus the launch of our SBS Pink Ribbon Visa!
18 January 2021
Gut feeling: Could the gut microbiome be causing breast cancer?
The gut microbiome has been a hot topic in recent years and research has now begun to delve into whether it could play a role in the development of cancer.
Press release
13 January 2021
$700,000 boost for NZ scientists at the forefront of tackling breast cancer
Breast Cancer Foundation is helping to fund more than $728,000 for three ground-breaking projects which hope to improve the lives of Kiwis affected by breast cancer and prevent further deaths.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
December 2020
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ wishes you a Meri Kirihimete, information about our nursing hours and find your community on mybc.
16 December 2020
Dealing with decisions in ABC
We share a guide to navigating decision pathways during advanced breast cancer treatment.
16 December 2020
Brain gain: How to manage ‘chemo brain’
‘Chemo brain’ is a common side effect of breast cancer treatment. We've rounded up some tips to help you manage brain fog.
Press release
06 December 2020
Four-year study seeks to improve breast cancer survival for younger Kiwi women
A new research partnership between BCFNZ and the Universities of Auckland and Otago has begun investigating the unique characteristics of breast cancer in younger Kiwi women.
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